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Worship and  Studies

Worship and Studies


Children's moment during service before JAM

Passing of the peace during the service

Baptism during the service

Sunday Studies

Senior High

9th - 12th grade

Seniors will meet in the senior classroom to check in, pray & have a mini devotional



PEAce Kids

9:30 am
PRE-k to 5th grade

Adult bible study

10:45 AM


9:30 am
6th - 8th grade


Weekly Studies

Wednesday morning 
bible study

Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 am

The Wednesday Bible study covers a wide variety of subjects.  Books of the Bible & characters of the Bible to name a few.  Lively discussions explore all of our differing view points. 


WomEn's Covenant
Study group

Monday 4:40 - 5:45 pm

The Peace Women’s Covenant Discipleship Group come together weekly to share their spiritual journeys with one another and to encourage each other in faith. They strive to do acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion according to John Wesley’s small group model. Members take turns being the weekly leader. Members discuss how it’s been with their souls, study scripture, discuss books, participate in mission projects, and go on a yearly retreat together. Members listen to and support each other. They respect all opinions, and what is shared remains within the group. Any interested woman is welcome to join the group.

Men's Covenant
Study group

Monday 6:00 - 7:30 pm 

The Men's Covenant Group meets weekly to discuss books of the Bible or books of interest. Members share their spiritual experiences and spiritual journey and have helped prepare and serve a Saturday meal for those in need at Summerfield United Methodist Church. The group is open to any interested men and is led by the Rev. Thad Rutter, a retired Methodist minister, and occasionally by other members of the group. 

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